Scrubs in the City Mexico themed party held once again at the Evergreen Brick Works this year with 1,400 guests to raise $1.4 million to support state-of-the-art neurosurgery and neurodiagnostic lab equipment upgrades at SickKids. The party featured Philanthropic, delicious foods, and open bar. And was carefree all at the same time.
The committee that includes Toronto’s Molly Fitzpatrick (co-chair), Lucina Kogan (co-chair), Julie Crossland, Romelia Dilawri, Laryssa McCluer, Vivian Greenberg, Sylvia Mantella, Holly Miklas, Suzanne Rogers, Julia Mordini, and Candice Sinclair — the event definitely delivered all of the over-the-top party vibes guests have come to expect from the affair.
Over the past 22 years Scrubs has raised over $11 million for the highest priority needs at SickKids.